Friday, March 24, 2006

It's not that I'm not preaching

but my Lenten sermons all include reading from Friedman's Fables. Rabbi Dr. Edwin H. Friedman was a family therapist who applied family system's theory to congregations. His work is studied in seminaries and has had a great impact on how we understand how we behave in relationships.

Because I'm not sure of the copyright implications of reproducing the fables within a sermon, it seems wiser not to do so. I highly recommend these fables as charming illustrations of how we hear or fail to hear one another. My premise is that if we cannot learn to communicate well with one another, how will we ever learn to listen to God?

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Ta Da!

At long last, the dream is realized, the vision completed and the now the real work begins! Posted by Picasa

A new look for the altar, too.

Faith's altar has served a mobile congregation well, consisting of a beautiful slab of rare wood and sawhorses. Now it is finally in place to stay, dressed up with a frontal and changeable colors for the different seasons.

This contemporary patchwork is full of symbolism. The twelve squares, one for each apostle, each measuring 12"x12" repeat the squares of the panelling. Together they speak of diversity in unity. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, March 11, 2006

The ashes of a well lived life

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent, a holy and penitential season of preparation for the joys of Easter. Here's a sermon about ashes.

Seeing clearly

The Vicar has had the best of intentions to post sermons and pictures of the Dedication and Consecration of Faith Episcopal Church but all sorts of stuff, including laser surgery two days ago, has conspired against her. But now, armed with 20/20 vision in both eyes for the first time in over 40 years, she is going to be a posting dynamo.

Laser surgery is quite simply amazing. I now have one eye for distance and one for closer up. My brain has not yet caught on to its role in choosing which eye to use but I'm sure it's up to the task. It is weird to come out from behind my glasses - feeling a little exposed right now. But, I get to wear cool sunglasses! How very California of me!