Greetings from the steamy midwest!
Hello to the Faith community and all who come to visit the Vicar of Blogdom (as she is known by those of a smart-aleky bent). After a long, long journey I have made it safely back to the midwest. On the way, I visited a number of amazing national parks in Utah and drive countless miles of twisty two-lane through mountains and deserts and rock formations the like of which my little midwestern mind had never imagined. The picture below is hardly the best example of the natural beauty of that part of the world, but it is the most flattering picture of yours truly, so I'll leave the scenery to your imaginations. This was taken by the side of the state highway that leads into Zion National Park:

My little purple car made a valiant effort, climbing the rocky mountains at speeds approaching 30 mph! Unfortunately, the steamy Missouri air proved to be too much for its tiny ac unit, and I was glad when we finally reached Indianapolis, 4 days and countless cherry-flavored frozen drinks later. Needless to say, I miss the temperate Orange County weather almost as much as I miss my friends at Faith. I hear the choir is doing a bang-up job without me, which my ego refuses to believe - I will have to see for myself during my Christmas visit to CA. I hope everyone keeps in touch via email or snail mail (whichever strikes your fancy - the Vicar can provide both addresses) and sends good wishes my way as I start grad school. See you in a few months, everyone!

My little purple car made a valiant effort, climbing the rocky mountains at speeds approaching 30 mph! Unfortunately, the steamy Missouri air proved to be too much for its tiny ac unit, and I was glad when we finally reached Indianapolis, 4 days and countless cherry-flavored frozen drinks later. Needless to say, I miss the temperate Orange County weather almost as much as I miss my friends at Faith. I hear the choir is doing a bang-up job without me, which my ego refuses to believe - I will have to see for myself during my Christmas visit to CA. I hope everyone keeps in touch via email or snail mail (whichever strikes your fancy - the Vicar can provide both addresses) and sends good wishes my way as I start grad school. See you in a few months, everyone!
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