Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Must get reading

A favorite blogger of mine, Kevin Drum of The Washington Monthly's "Political Animal" posted the American Library Association's list of most frequently challenged books. He lamented that he'd only read 14 of them. I'm embarrassed to say that he's read more than have I.

Many of these books are classics and many are extraordinary books for young people. As usual, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer are on it. I think that Judy Blume is the most frequently challenged author. Peter Mayle's Where Did I Come From? - an absolutely priceless cartoon illlustrated answer to kid's questions about sex and babies - for heaven's sake - no wonder we have a generation of kids that are so confused and and ill informed about the realities of sex! "Just don't do it" hasn't proved to be a very successful strategy.

Several of these books are sitting on my shelves at home, as yet unread. I'm going to start there. An open mind is a good thing. A challenged mind is even better. Plus I'll make my soon-to-be-librarian daughter proud!


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