Advent at Faith

And the joint is jumpin'! We now officially have more members than we have chairs in the church. What a lovely problem to have. We are planning our first ever Childrens Christmas Eve service. The Vicar is very happy!
On Sunday afternoon our Christmas pageant was filled with the wonderful moments that only children can bring. The angel Gabriel, played by 3 year old Julia, made the succinct annunciation to Mary "You're going to have a baby!" Mary's expression of surprise, well emoted by 5 year old Sage - complete with wide eyes and hands clapped to her cheeks. The angel then moved over to Joseph, played by 10 year old Hannah in her first trouser role, and told him "Your mother's going to have a baby!" That surprised us all.
Here's some sermon catch up. 2nd Sunday of Advent and 3rd Sunday in Advent.