Sunday, October 23, 2005

Some things never change

Jesus was frequently challenged by the religious and political voices of his day - sounds familiar! The French are fond of saying Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose which means "the more things change, the more they stay the same" Here's today's sermon that ponders this idea.

To read today's lessons, visit the Lectionary Page.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Although I really like this sermon, I'm bothered my Jesus' "nada-answer" to the question posed by the Sadducees. Granted, his opponents were trying to trap him and weren't really interested in what Jesus had to say. But the fact that he didn't directly address their challenge is what infuriates me the most about people who are serious about their faith. Deflecting a challenge with a non-answer has always seemed disrespectful to me, like a refusal to acknowledge anyone who doesn't see things the same way as us. Dick Cheney is a master of this (such as his silence when asked to comment on his push for legalalized torture of POWs). Why couldn't Jesus have answered with, "I don't know...what are your thoughts?" And if an intelligent response was given, perhaps a new facet of Christianity would have been born that day. Is it really so terrible to accept the wisdom of those who think differently from us?

4:58 PM  

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